
Looking to make a return? Please check out our return information here.

WPS Products

If you'd like to return something from Warrior Poet Society, please make sure the item(s) are new/unused and qualify for a return. We cannot accept returns outside of 30 days from when the product was received. 

Once this is confirmed, feel free to contact our customer support team and be sure to include the information below and we'd be happy to organize a return for you.

  • Order Number
  • Item(s) Returning
  • Reason for Return

We are unable to accept partial returns on combo products unless you were sent a defective product. 

We reserve the right to deny any return under the pretense of a customer returning a product to secure a sale price outside of the window of the sale/deal.

Partner Venor Products

For any products fulfilled by our partnering suppliers, please contact our customer support team and include the same details above. With this, we'll CC a representative from the vendor to provide information on their return policy.

Body Armor Return Policy

All body armor sales are final. Body armor includes but is not limited to soft armor, hard armor plates and helmets. These items cannot be returned as the manufacturer loses chain of custody of the item and cannot guarantee that after we have shipped the product that the structural integrity has been maintained.

If your question is not answered above or within a product description, feel free to reach out to our customer support team and they'd be happy to assist you! Average response time is  48 hours. Office hours are Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM (EDT).