Training Information

Purchased a class slot and haven't received any more information? We can help!

Once you purchase a slot in one of our training classes, an automated email will be sent to you containing the location and other important information. If you didn't receive the information within 24 hours of your purchase, there could be a couple of reasons why. 

  1. We do not have consent to send you emails.
    1. Due to email privacy laws, we cannot send you emails if you haven't signed up for emails, or you have unsubscribed from our emails. If you believe you have fallen into one of these categories, click this link here and scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the blue button pictured below!
  2. The email you used to purchase the class is invalid, or has a typo
    1. If you are sure you have signed up for emails and haven't unsubscribed, you may have inputted your email wrong. No worries, typos happen! Reach out to, and a member of our training support team will be happy to get you squared away.
  3. It might just be a glitch!
    1. Technology sometimes doesn't want to play nice. If you are sure you do not fall into any of the categories above, go ahead and reach out to, and we will get you the information you need. 


See you on the range!

Train Hard. Train Smart.